Saturday, October 10, 2009

Little Caleb...

So the baby is getting bigger, so that is a good thing. Life is pretty interesting right now. We are having some snow fun times. Not really. Well we have snow, just not fun. So he is growing slowly but surely. My amniotic fluid is the same, it is supposed to be decreasing as he gets bigger and he takes up more room, but it isn't. He is kicking still and stuff. The placenta didn't detach, so that is good. I was just feeling my ligaments stretching. He is in the 33% tile for his size. So the best I can do to help him grow is rest and eat more. So Steve is saying I can't pick anything up off of the ground so he is doing a lot more around the house. That is nice. Life is life. Hopefully by the time he is born, he will be more than 5 pounds. Last I knew he was 3 1/2lbs which was like a week ago. I am 33 weeks pregnant so he should be bigger than that. Pray for him, please.
Love you!

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